Session Records

Session Sounds

(Session Records)

Welcome to our website showcasing the jazz collection, writings, and drawings of Eve and Phil Featheringill.


Eve Michael Stanton Featheringill

In the early 1940’s. Phil Featheringill owned a small record store and a private label in Chicago. Over the next 25 years Phil and his wife, Eve, collected and recorded hundreds of classic examples of American jazz, blues, and folk music. This is the story of the evolution of jazz as seen through the eyes of two very remarkable people who truly loved this music and had the good sense, foresight, and intitiative to honor and record the people who played it.

some artwork – by Phil Featheringill

jazz quarterly - featheringillmarching band - featheringillNew Orleans Jazz - Featheringillabout chicago jazz - featheringillmusician head on table - featheringilljimmy and mama yancey cover - featheringill

Here are some tunes from our own Session Collection – Art Hodes with Mezz Mezzrow:

photo 1 photo 2

some other Session Record cuts:

This website is dedicated to the memory of Kerry Caitlin Featheringill Willis

a poem by Eve Featheringill

After the Long Singing

Eve Michael Stanton Featheringill (1916 – 1997)

Let there be quiet after the long singing,

and after labor, rest;

long sleep to heal the tiredness of living,

the deep hushed halls of slumber,

this is best.

 To have worked well, and found the task worth doing,

To have lived well and long;

and then at last to find the best thing waiting;

rest for the strong.

 To find the tired march ended,

and the task 
finished, the last step made–

and then to come to quiet peace at last

faithful and unafraid.

 There will be greater waking, in a while,

but for a little space

let there be quiet after the long singing,

let there be peace and silence in this place.

4 thoughts on “Session Records

  1. Hi Charlie, thanks for the reference to the site in the Christmas card, which we greatly enjoyed!
    I really liked the Art Hodes Trio “Mezzin’ Around“ and the Cripple Clarence “I Don’t Know” cuts.
    Talk soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. John Mayall lists Clarence Lofton as a big influence on his piano playing. (Just a bit of trivia for ya.)


  3. Charlie, I have not spun it yet, but I will try it tonight & see how it sounds. I collect records for fun. So I know a little about grading. This isn’t mint but it is an XF at least. I’ll get back to you. I like the blues but the ’40’s is a little old for me. I’d be interested in selling it to someone who would really like it for their collection. I wold love to hear back from you.
    Thanks, Joe Sweeney in Collegeville, Pa.


  4. ooh, Jimmy Yancey on Session. Sounds cool.
    Does it play?
    There are some Session fanatics out there.
    Will have to look around and get back to you.


say hi. or leave a comment. thanks, Charlie